Man, this year hasn't been so good for blogging.. I've been all over the place and almost completely neglected my blog.. I feel terrible for doing so but I was stuck in a rut for awhile and got away from a lot things. Here's a post that probably won't make sense to some.. But just know I'm ready to get back on my feet. ***And please, don't take this post as if I'm trying to boast or anything like that. Those of you have read my blog in recent years know that I write my heart out to encourage young people. Through my struggles and downfalls, that I know us young people experience, I put my heart out there for you to know that we all go through similar trials and there are people who are here for you... like me.** I've been thinking about needing to be an example and a role model for girls younger than me(or around my age). It has been tempting to fall in line with the world around me, the stress, frustration and a mindset of neglect of my responsi...
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;..."
Romans 1:16 KJV