Man guys, this has been a tough week.
Sunday: Started with great church in the morning and then again at night :) Bro. Rivers preached the house down! There were so many changes in our young people! Sunday night service was NO ORDINARY SERVICE! The way I think of it is that he preached for about 10 minutes and we shouted, jumped, dance, ran, and got slain for a good 3-4 hours :) Workout! Plus we had the hike the day before and we were SORE all over already! Imagine how sore I was on Monday ;) Lol!
Anyways :) It was a Holy ghost party that took place over at our church :) You guys missed out (whoever wasn't there)
Monday: SORENESS & school work...LOL then Monday night youth prayer :) Move of God fell greatly :D I love our youth prayer nights! I wish we could do an all-night prayer meeting :) That would be AMAZING!!!
After prayer, we went to the hospital to go see my Aunt Sue :( She isn't doing good and it's really sad :(
Tuesday: STAR Testing :( BORING!!!!
Wednesday: More STAR Testing! And church!!! :D Man, we hate the devil! It was a STOMP-IN-THE-DEVILS FACE-Wednesday!!!!! Woo!!! It was such a great service. Bro. Rivers is now on his way to the Phillipines (???) and he will be back soon :)
Thursday: Today,I went walking in the morning with Joni, Mom & Korbsters :) and I did a large amount of work :( Not fun!
Friday: Prayer in the morning with Dad :) Can't wait!
Sunday: Started with great church in the morning and then again at night :) Bro. Rivers preached the house down! There were so many changes in our young people! Sunday night service was NO ORDINARY SERVICE! The way I think of it is that he preached for about 10 minutes and we shouted, jumped, dance, ran, and got slain for a good 3-4 hours :) Workout! Plus we had the hike the day before and we were SORE all over already! Imagine how sore I was on Monday ;) Lol!
Anyways :) It was a Holy ghost party that took place over at our church :) You guys missed out (whoever wasn't there)
Monday: SORENESS & school work...LOL then Monday night youth prayer :) Move of God fell greatly :D I love our youth prayer nights! I wish we could do an all-night prayer meeting :) That would be AMAZING!!!
After prayer, we went to the hospital to go see my Aunt Sue :( She isn't doing good and it's really sad :(
Tuesday: STAR Testing :( BORING!!!!
Wednesday: More STAR Testing! And church!!! :D Man, we hate the devil! It was a STOMP-IN-THE-DEVILS FACE-Wednesday!!!!! Woo!!! It was such a great service. Bro. Rivers is now on his way to the Phillipines (???) and he will be back soon :)
Thursday: Today,I went walking in the morning with Joni, Mom & Korbsters :) and I did a large amount of work :( Not fun!
Friday: Prayer in the morning with Dad :) Can't wait!