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Where have I been?

Has it really been almost 2 years since my last post?
So much has changed.

(Honestly, I am updating my blog because I like to reflect back on how far God has brought me. Forewarning, don't read if you don't want to take a look into my life the past year. This blog has many memories and I want to add on to it.)

2 years seems like a lifetime ago. I was hurting, broken-hearted, uprooted, and quite frankly, needing God more than ever. I questioned everything I was taught and needed answers, but thankfully, there was one thing I knew for sure...

God had plans and He would be all I needed.

Fast forward to October 2017 and I have lived in the state of Washington for a year, moved into my dreamy studio apartment in August, and I work in beautiful northern Idaho making & working more than I would have in Southern California. Who would have thought? Little Miss Meagan, moving 1.300 miles away from her family because God opened doors and said, "Come."

This place has become home. A feeling you can't describe.

How did I get here? What prompted me to move? How did God open the door for an independent, single, 21 yr old girl to move states away from everything and everyone she has ever known?

It all started with the visit from 2 years ago, November 2015, when we moved my Great Grandpa up here. I booked my flight the weekend before I left and the moment I stepped off the plane, I knew. I fell in love with the weather - chilly, fall, four-season weather. Then, I fell in love with the church.

Fortunately, I met hardly anyone from the church on the 1st trip. I was hardened, bitter, and resentful (you name it). Not the best combination when meeting new church folk, right? I honestly thank God none of the people tried to have a conversation with me. I was hurting too bad, and God had so much work to do on me. I probably had bitterness seeping through my teeth. (Is that too honest? I hope you understand...) The evangelist preached on not letting the devil steal your praise. A message I needed to hear and be reminded of.

April 2016 was my next visit for Summit Conference at our church. There, I met new people and began to develop friendships. It went so well, that I made 5 more trips in less than 6 months. I couldn't stay away. Almost like a magnetic pull, we didn't say goodbyes, we said, "See you soon!"

I was attending my 1st year of college, and when it came time to enroll for my 2nd year, I had a feeling I should wait. I also applied for my Pharmacy Tech licensing through the state of Idaho in June 2016, just in case my plans to move to in Spring 2017 would come to life.

The trip that did me in? It was the end of September 2016 and my Great Grandpa had a massive heart attack with less than 1% chance to live... But GOD! He became a miracle and God healed him! I booked my plane ticket back to California the 1st week of October. I had to get back to work and my adult responsibilities. But I regretted leaving. That feeling hadn't happened before, and I knew there must have been a reason for it. I ended up talking to management in California, and inquired on how easy it was to transfer to another Walgreens. It was simple - make a phone call and see if that store has a position available.

What did I do? I called the Walgreens in northern Idaho. Can you guess what happened? ... They were needing a full-time pharmacy technician because someone put in their 2 weeks notice that day. So guess who moved in 3 weeks? ME. I moved here on October 29th, 2016.

A testimony that I won't get tired of telling - full of little details, I could write a short biography, but I have written enough for me to be reminded of how far I've come. I am blessed by God. He brought me here and I am forever grateful to be under Pastor Mayo of Cornerstone church in Liberty Lake, WA.

If you are reading this, and you need a reminder... GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART. 

One of the many summer sunsets we had on Coeur d'Alene Lake

A glimpse of the most adorable studio apartment

Hiking in the winter with friends


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