For many many months, I wasn't feeling well. It was like I had something stuck inside of me that pushed everything about me (bubbly personality, a little ball of joy, Miss Sunshine, full of energy) into a little ball and filled the rest of the space with emptiness [cold]. It has definitely not been the best part of my life, for sure. It's one of those trials where you just want to go back to the year before lol. I'm telling you, I was the total opposite of who I really am. Oh my, talk about craziness. I started to get really sad, kept to myself a lot, and ZERO energy.. Ahhhh it was all bad!! If you think that I am wallowing around in this pile of mud (not wanting to get out), think again! I've been pushing myself harder to get back to my old self. I've been getting into the Word, praying, keeping in contact with friends/etc. For 3 weeks (up until a week ago), I slept almost ALL day. Not kidding. I told you, NO ENERGY. I didn't want to do anything. No piano, no...