I believe we all have a past, a time where life was rough, our faith was shot, and maybe weren't in church. I know I have a past! Even though I was raised in Pentecost, I had to go through life too. I was tested in certain areas. This post isn't to tell of what I went through and did, but I'm writing this to tell that the PAST can be used in the FUTURE... "Wow? Really? How?" There's someone else going through the same temptations , the same tests , the same emotionally and spiritually draining things in life as you did but they are going through it right now ! We have to tell what we learned help us get through those trials.. **A couple nights ago, I was with a group of friends and it was asked jokingly if a couple of us girls had ever worn make up. I wasn't going to lie, even if it was jokingly asked. So, of course, I say yes (I hope I didn't shock any of you reading LOL). I was modeling and acting when I was about 13 years old and wore make ...
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;..."
Romans 1:16 KJV