Man, recently I had been feeling that God didn't hear me ... You know...those unanswered prayers. The night you prayed and weeped harder than you have in a long time. You feel like you would go back home/to work/to school and see a change ... But then you get there and... NOTHING changed. *...Okay, I'm referring to myself when i say " you "...* It was hard to see no difference. I would think: "Didn't I just pray!? God, didn't you see how many tears I shed!?" Yes, I was wondering exactly that. I'm pretty sure you have felt the same way at one time. Isn't it tough? But one thing I remembered (I have heard Bro. Clark say this before), that even though we may not see anything taking place in OUR own flesh-y eyes, there are things changing and shifting in the spiritual realm!! You may feel like your prayers for your lost family members aren't going past the ceiling but God hears your cry. They feel the effects of those p...
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;..."
Romans 1:16 KJV